Discover the amplifying reach and impact of Springer Nature’s fully open access (OA) portfolio

Authors publishing in our fully OA journals benefit from the highest global use
More people will see and download your work
Articles are downloaded over 7,000 times on average – which can be up to 5x more than competitors.
More people will read and use your work
Each article is cited 7.39 times on average – the highest of all fully OA publishers.
You can confidently publish your research with us
Our titles appear across more Journal Citation Reports (JCR) categories than other fully OA publishers.
* This report compares available fully OA data only, from hybrid and fully OA publishers.
A word from Meredith LeMasurier
“Ever since Springer became the first publisher to offer authors an OA choice on its subscription journals and BMC became part of the Springer, and then Springer Nature family, OA has been part of our DNA. We are proud to be an active player in the transition to OA, promoting publishing options and building a portfolio of high quality journals to support both our author and industry needs.
However, the collective reach and impact of our fully OA journals and imprints has never been evaluated. In this, the first report for our fully OA portfolio, we show their contribution, and the value, reach and impact these journals offer authors, readers and the wider research community.”
Meredith LeMasurier Vice President Journals, Fully OA Portfolio
Highlights from our pioneering fully OA imprints and journals
The first commercial publisher of its kind and has led the development of industry standards for open science policies and practices.

The largest fully OA journal in the world and the second largest in terms of citations.

The first highly selective, multidisciplinary, fully OA journal in its sector.

Learn more about fully OA

How we are advancing OA
We want 50% of all primary research published by Springer Nature to be OA by 2024.

Our OA portfolio
With over 580 fully OA journals across three imprint brands, we are proud of our world-leading, fully OA portfolio.

The impact of OA
Articles published in Springer Nature’s fully OA journal portfolio are used more than those by other fully OA publishers.

The value of OA publishing
Our authors’ OA papers benefit from greater reach – advancing global discovery.